Facebook - My Mic-Key: A product/service page designed to help Users & Caregivers share and
learn best Use & Care practices. There are a number of questions posted to this site where the site answers questions related to buttons.
Feeding Tube Awareness: A website aimed to "raise positive awareness of this life saving medical intervention and share our knowledge to make daily living easier."
Families of Children with LIP, NEHI and other chILD's: A site developed by a mother who has two children with NEHI. On a typical day you feel like you are the only one going through this. Then you go to this site and you aren't alone anymore. For the short time you are on their site you feel like what you are going through is "normal". I have never met any of these people, but because we are going through situations that most people don't go to, I automatically feel a connection to these people and their children.
Complex Child E-Magazine: Articles written by parents of "complex" children. the topics vary but include, to name a few, GI, neurology, respiratory, etc. If you have one of these "complex" children, you are sure to find an article that sounds like something you have thought yourself at one time or another. Each month has a different focal point for a topic.
Complex Child E-Magazine: Articles written by parents of "complex" children. the topics vary but include, to name a few, GI, neurology, respiratory, etc. If you have one of these "complex" children, you are sure to find an article that sounds like something you have thought yourself at one time or another. Each month has a different focal point for a topic.